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Be confident that your dog is eating a complete and balanced meal with healthy whole food ingredients!

Pair Dr. Evelyn's Nutrient Blend with any of Dr. Evelyn's Recipes to create a balanced diet. Find both in our store!

Now offering recipes for healthy adult dogs, puppies and dogs prone to oxalate stones!

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What is a Holistic Practitioner?

It has been estimated that 90% of the chronic diseases that plague people and our pets may start in the gut.

Think about some of the common ones. Obesity inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis and type-2 diabetes are some of the ones that come to mind immediately. But if we look further, we find that fat in excess produces inflammatory chemicals that contribute to inflammation all over the body including arthritis, back pain, kidney disease and heart disease. The latest research even shows direct connection between autoimmune disease and leaky gut. Autoimmune diseases include allergy, hypothyroidism, lupus, autoimmune hemolytic anemia and bleeding disorders. Do some of these sound familiar?

Food is environmental exposure on the inside.

Your pet’s digestive tract is essentially a tube running on the inside of the body with full exposure to the outside world. This is why 70-80% of our immune system is the gut. In addition, the gut contains most of the genetic material in the body. Did you know that 90% of the cells in your body, or your pet’s body, are the microorganisms that call our bodies home? Or that 99% of the genetic material in your body belong to those microorganisms. Most of these reside in the intestinal tract. Each bacteria, fungus and virus contains genetic material which codes for proteins, enzymes and hormones. This genetic material is directly affected by the food and drugs that enters the digestive system.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~Hippocrates

The simple answer is that the holistic practitioner looks at the whole patient including the mind, body and environment. Traditional western, or modern, medicine focuses on symptoms, diagnosis and disease separating these from the whole. The holistic approach looks at the whole, attempting to restore balance and assist the body in doing what it does best, heal itself.

In my practice, my focus for your pet will include lifestyle with a large emphasis on nutrition. I will use diet, nutritional and herbal supplements and help you remove as many environmental healing obstacles.
I examine all information from your veterinarian and look for common root causes for what may appear to be unrelated symptoms. The focus of therapy will be on that root cause while improving comfort.



Information on this site is intended to inform you and give you information to discuss with your veterinarian as it pertains to your pet. It is not intended as an alternative to medical or other veterinary advice.

Health care should always be a team effort with you, your pet, your veterinarian and if needed, a health guide. I would love to be your guide, helping you to understand your pet’s current health status and some options to achieve or maintain optimal health.

Dr. Evelyn and this site do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that the use of the use of this information will lead to any particular outcome or result.  Like each of us, each pet is an individual, so neither Dr. Evelyn, nor this site, shall  be liable to you in respect to any alleged injury.

The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified healthcare provider.

By being an informed part of your pet’s health care team, you can help your pet and your veterinarian. Look around the site. If you are looking for a more individualized guide for your pet, check out the consulting page, then reach out to me on the contact us page.

Dr. Kass, I want to thank you for all your endeavors & research towards helping Charlie's food allergies to get under control. I will make a note of All your recommendations for the future. I see that this is going to be a slow process. I believe we are on the right track. Everyday is a little better . He appears to be much happier , and loves his New diet. I have been searching and experimenting for him for over 6 years . With very temporary results. I'm relieved and excited to have you as part of his health program . We're looking forward to years of good health & longevity for Charlie . My Sincerest gratitude for what you have done so far. Thank you so much , Diana L Piscione  
In March of 2017 we adopted an adorable pit bull puppy named Loki. Two days after we brought him home, he was diagnosed with parvo. Loki has lived with horrible chronic diarrhea since day one. He also had regular issues with vomiting, his paws were often red and inflamed and we had trouble keeping weight on him. We spent the next 15 months trying everything we could. Loki saw multiple veterinarians of varying specialties. He had thousands of dollars’ worth of blood work, ultra sounds and diagnostic tests with no results. We tried just about every food, supplement and medication on the market, absolutely nothing gave Loki any relief past a few days. I was referred to Dr Kass as our last chance. Turns out, Dr Kass would be the answer we needed. She took her time with Loki who is nervous with strangers and was patient with my enormous sack of supplements, medications and my journal detailing the many foods we had tried. Dr Kass suggested a round of bloodwork that no other veterinarians had suggested and was able to pinpoint a vitamin D deficiency that had been missed by others. In addition, Dr Kass put together a very specific homemade diet targeted to help Loki. Dr. Kass was patient and prompt in responding to my MANY questions. She was able to provide different perspectives from both a medical and holistic point of view. The diet was practical and we were able to purchase everything at our local grocery store or on Amazon. Best of all, this diet has been a miracle for Loki. He has been on this diet for two months now and has the first “perfect poos” of his life. When you’ve watched your puppy suffer for 15 months, nothing makes you happier than a normal dog poo (and finally a good night’s sleep). We were literally at our wits end. Dr Kass gave us our boy back and we will forever be grateful.
"Mack is a rescue dog. We adopted Mack on May 3, 2014.⁠ ⁠ In September, 2020, Mack had to have a splenectomy because a tumor larger than a baseball was⁠ growing on his spleen. Something systemic was terribly wrong, and, although my wife and I had been⁠ feeding Mack a “highly regarded” dehydrated food, it was obviously deficient.⁠ ⁠ So we contacted Dr. Evelyn, and we had a consultation about Mack’s diet and health. Dr. Evelyn taught⁠ us about the role of carbohydrates in a dog’s diet. Clearly, the 50% proportion of carbohydrates in⁠ Mack’s dehydrated food was way, way too much.⁠ ⁠ Dr. Evelyn then designed a truly wholesome, balanced, and healing diet for Mack. Now, each Tuesday of⁠ the week, my wife and I happily prepare his home-cooked food for the next seven days, knowing that⁠ Mack is now eating a food with the very best ingredients. I showed Mack’s new diet to our nutritionist⁠ who helps my wife and me with our own diet. She just raved about how good Dr. Evelyn’s diet was.⁠ ⁠ In the run-up to our first “cooking day” for Mack, Dr. Eveyln promptly answered all of our questions⁠ about the ingredients and the preparation. What struck us the most was that Dr. Evelyn took a personal⁠ interest in Mack’s well-being, and her commitment to getting Mack on the path of a truly healthy life⁠ came through loud and clear.⁠ ⁠ Thank you so much, Dr. Evelyn, for helping our sweet boy to eat a wholesome diet and to enjoy the life⁠ he so richly deserves."⁠ ⁠ ~Lee & Kathie⁠
"Well, the food is a huge success! So much so that Allie won’t eat the dog food anymore. After the first bowl she gobbled it up and we tried to follow the instructions and give it once a day for a week then go to twice. Well...⁠ ⁠ Allie went on strike [and] wouldn’t eat the second meal. Canned and dry are no longer on her list of things to eat. Again [thanks].⁠ ⁠ All the dogs are loving the meals and they are satisfying for them." ~Gale⁠ ⁠
"We are so grateful for the help and support you have provided us to get Nova’s health on the right track. She absolutely loves her salmon diet and everyone has been commenting on how healthy she looks. What’s more, we get the feeling that she is the happiest she has ever been, and we have you to thank for that." ~ @almike25 & @teel7
"Romeo is doing amazing! You have been wonderful to have helping us meet his dietary needs. Thank you very much! 🐶❤" @romeo_111420


Pet treats packed with nutritious ingredients, vitamins and supplements to help dogs.