What is a Holistic Practitioner?

It has been estimated that 90% of the chronic diseases that plague people and our pets may start in the gut.

Food is environmental exposure on the inside.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~Hippocrates
The simple answer is that the holistic practitioner looks at the whole patient including the mind, body and environment. Traditional western, or modern, medicine focuses on symptoms, diagnosis and disease separating these from the whole. The holistic approach looks at the whole, attempting to restore balance and assist the body in doing what it does best, heal itself.
In my practice, my focus for your pet will include lifestyle with a large emphasis on nutrition. I will use diet, nutritional and herbal supplements and help you remove as many environmental healing obstacles.
I examine all information from your veterinarian and look for common root causes for what may appear to be unrelated symptoms. The focus of therapy will be on that root cause while improving comfort.

Information on this site is intended to inform you and give you information to discuss with your veterinarian as it pertains to your pet. It is not intended as an alternative to medical or other veterinary advice.
Health care should always be a team effort with you, your pet, your veterinarian and if needed, a health guide. I would love to be your guide, helping you to understand your pet’s current health status and some options to achieve or maintain optimal health.
Dr. Evelyn and this site do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that the use of the use of this information will lead to any particular outcome or result. Like each of us, each pet is an individual, so neither Dr. Evelyn, nor this site, shall be liable to you in respect to any alleged injury.
The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified healthcare provider.
By being an informed part of your pet’s health care team, you can help your pet and your veterinarian. Look around the site. If you are looking for a more individualized guide for your pet, check out the consulting page, then reach out to me on the contact us page.

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