Virtual Pet Nutrition Consultations by Phone or Zoom Allow Me to Help Pet Owners Anywhere in the World.
With over 35 years of clinical experience in both traditional and holistic medicine, I will be interpreting your pet’s health through a different lens than your regular veterinarian.
Although traditional medicine excels in many areas, it teaches us to separate parts and treat symptoms.
With this in mind, a holistic veterinarian focuses on connection, always looking to create harmony and balance in the body to achieve optimal health.
Often the best approach to health includes both aspects which is why I started offering pet nutrition consults.
The first Lifestyle Consult includes:
- Deep dive introduction to your pet’s history, diet and lifestyle
- Full review of pet’s health records and treatment history (Records must be provided by you or your veterinarian.) Assessment is based on the information provided.
- 30 minute one on one consultation to review findings and answer questions. This can be done by phone or Zoom.
- Personalized assessment of the current baseline health from a holistic viewpoint
- Written summary of findings with recommendations to help your pet achieve optimal health. This may include diet recommendations, supplements and or lifestyle adjustments.
*Keep in mind, healthy pet nutrition consults are for pets who have good energy and weight maintenance. Additionally, they should have good digestive health with the only exception being the occasional upset due to finding something not so edible. Healthy pets see their veterinarian for well checks, but otherwise rarely need to go.
Holistic Nutritional Consult includes:
- A full review and summary of all medical records
- A 30 minute consult by phone or Zoom
- A full written summary of our discussion and my recommendations.
Diet Formulation
- The diet recipe is usually for 7 days worth of food which can be frozen in daily portions and thawed as needed during the week
- Full instructions for preparation
- Sourcing information for all ingredients.
- First month of the Bronze level Holistic Health Plan which includes full email access with answers provided usually the same day, but otherwise within a 24 hour period.
- Minor adjustments to the formulation as needed based on your pet’s response within the first 30 days.
*If your pet has allergies, difficulty maintaining a healthy weight, frequent stomach upset, is on any prescription medication or has seen the veterinarian more than twice in the past 6 months the Holistic Nutritional Consult is for you.
Visit my contact page to make an appointment!
Do you want to learn about proper nutrition directly from Dr. Evelyn?
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