There isn’t one food that’s right for every dog or every owner. This answer is dependent on size, breed, age, health and your budget.
Although raw is the ideal food for optimal health, some dogs are unable to handle a completely raw diet when coming from a full kibble diet. Not to mention freeze-dried is a lot more convenient for those busier owners, like myself.
Quality is so important and you should always be asking yourself how nutritious the food is that you are feeding.
This is the most common question I get. So, I made a FREE guide on what pet food recommendations I give to my clients!
This guide was created to answer all of these questions and give you more insight into my pet food recommendations. Click the button below to download your copy for FREE.
The premium version contains cost comparison charts, so that you can easily compare between any of the foods recommended in this eBook. It also contains more detailed notes on many of the food options.