US Court Reprimands the EPA for neglecting its duty to the American people!
The court found that “EPA did not adequately consider whether glyphosate causes cancer and shirked its duties under the Endangered […]

Are Your Pets Exposed to Environmental Toxins?
Insecticides and Seasonal Pests:Do you need to continue insecticides for your pets year round? Mosquitoes can’t function under 50 degrees […]

Pumpkin Treats for Pets and People
Looking for an easy festive treat for your pup that you can also enjoy? Look no further. This small batch […]

Wild Idea Buffalo Company-
A Wild and Wonderful Idea for the Planet How your meat is grown is as important as the type of […]

Anxiety in Pets: How Can You Tell?
Anxiety and stress are as much a problem for our pets as they are for us. But they can show […]

Which is Better for Your Pet: Raw or Cooked?
I was recently asked about feeding raw vs. gently cooked diets for dogs and cats. While raw is a more […]