Are Your Pets Exposed to Environmental Toxins?
Insecticides and Seasonal Pests:
Do you need to continue insecticides for your pets year round?
Mosquitoes can’t function under 50 degrees F and are very sluggish until it is over 60 degrees F. There is no need for mosquito repellent or heartworm prevention until temperatures are higher.
Ticks are not a problem in the western US from approximately New Mexico westward until temperatures are above 45 degrees F. In the Eastern US, the deer ticks can be active once the ground has thawed and temperatures are above 35 degrees.
Fleas will die at temperatures below freezing, unless of course they are in a warm place like your pet’s body. They also die when temperatures rise above 95, unless there is very high humidity.
Pest control depends on your area. Use what is needed, but no more. This way you can minimize toxins on your pet, save money and help the planet. The pesticides you use on your pets are not specific to fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. They affect many other insects and often aquatic species and contribute to loss of biodiversity.
Hormone Disruptors Hiding in Plain Sight:
These chemicals can affect any hormone including thyroid, cortisol, testosterone and estrogen and have serious health consequences.
BPA found in plastics and can linings mimics estrogen.
PFC used in many non-stick pans, stain and water resistant fabrics affects both thyroid and sex hormones
Many pesticides and herbicides affect various hormones. These are found in higher levels in non-organic foods and in many water supplies.
Avoid plastic dishes and toys.
Use a good water filtration system to remove as many toxic chemicals as possible and minimize drinking from plastic bottles. Unfortunately the replacement for BPA in plastics has not been tested for health risks and some believe it is worse than BPA. Avoidance is best for you, your pets and the planet!!
Choose organic foods and clothing when possible to minimize exposure to toxic pesticides.
While water resistant clothing can be essential in some situations, many times it is not necessary.
New non-stick ecofriendly pans are available. One option is Caraway cookware. This is especially important if you are cooking for pets with any hormonal disease.
For more info: https://www.ewg.org/consumer-guides/dirty-dozen-endocrine-disruptors
These include fragrances you use on your pets, in your home and on yourself if your pet likes to give you a nice lick greeting!
Fragrances are not well regulated by any authority and manufacturers do not need to list ingredients. Unfortunately many of your favorite smelling pet fragrance sprays, shampoos and other topical products contain ingredients listed only as fragrance, parfum or aroma. Many of these contain harmful ingredients like:
Acetaldehyde– known to cause kidney, nervous system and respiratory system damage along with cancer.
Benzophenone– known to damage many organs and linked to many tumors
You can find “cleaner” and safer products here:
And for pet parents since our pets like to lick our skin after we use our own products: